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Caroline Musserotte's Shop

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Learn. Teach. Travel. Coach. Having been in the education world for more than a decade I bring knowledge and experience as a teacher, teacher trainer and coach. My teaching career has led me from England, France, China and now to South America In the last several years, I have delivered a number of workshops and conference to help organizations and individuals to improve their teaching-management skills. If you have any question about my ressource, feel free to contact me




Learn. Teach. Travel. Coach. Having been in the education world for more than a decade I bring knowledge and experience as a teacher, teacher trainer and coach. My teaching career has led me from England, France, China and now to South America In the last several years, I have delivered a number of workshops and conference to help organizations and individuals to improve their teaching-management skills. If you have any question about my ressource, feel free to contact me
Thanksgiving Celebration Lesson + student exercises

Thanksgiving Celebration Lesson + student exercises

Here is a colourful powerpoint presentation with 35 slides and its activity booklet with 8 pages to teach about Thanksgiving. It can be used either at the beginning of the month to allow students to prepare Thanksgiving activities or right before the 4th Thursday of the month. It contains: - a self-target setting slide - a video explaining the Pilgrims' story - a recap to make sure students have understood the video. - a multiple choice quiz - a true-false exercise - a word search - a maze - a filling gap exercise - a recipe - a thinking time activity to make students aware that we need to be grateful for what we have - slides inviting students to reflect on themselves - a plenary that invites them to prepare activities around Thanksgiving.
Chinese New Year ( lesson + student activities )

Chinese New Year ( lesson + student activities )

Chinese New Year Celebration. This full lesson will give you the tools to discuss with you ESL student about Chinese New year (NO Prep) it's a presentation with 45 slides and its student activity booklet with 11 pages so that students can learn about China, the Chinese New Year, adjectives, comparatives and superlatives. It contains: - a self-target setting slide - a brainstorming as a starter with a map world so that students can identify where China is - a true/false questionnaire with answers available interactively within a click - a video about which students take notes - a multiple choice questionnaire about the Chinese New Year with corrections - an introduction to Zodiac signs with their characteristics - an activity about identifying adjectives with corrections - a grammar point about the comparative forms - an exercise about the comparative with correction - a grammar point about the superlative forms - an exercise about the superlative forms with correction - a writing activity as a plenary - a review of objectives Don't forget to let a feedback and to follow my store, more resources added weekly.
French Easter celebration (lesson + Printable) / Pâques en français (lesson + exercices) No Prep

French Easter celebration (lesson + Printable) / Pâques en français (lesson + exercices) No Prep

Easter is on its way! Can’t wait for a chocolate hunt, right? In the meantime I suggest you this resource to develop your students’ knowledge about Easter and other celebrations in. This lesson will also give you the opportunity to practice vocabulary about Easter and grammar about the simple present tense in French It gives an explanation as to why we celebrate Easter and other celebrations around it (Carnival, Fat Tuesday… ). The presentation is made of 37 colourful slides and the activity booklet contains 14 pages to make your lesson more interactive and enjoyable. It contains: - a self-target setting slide - a video about Easter - reading activity about the different celebrations(how we celebrate them and why with some pictures to help for the understanding.) - a True/False activity, - an introduction to the vocabulary - games for drilling - a noughts and crosses to be played in pairs - an introduction to the present tense (ER, IR, RE) and a practice - a word search - unscrambling activity - colouring activities for the younger ones - a pair work speaking activity with opinions - a puzzle with letters to unscramble It is quite flexible and will allow you to teach from pre-intermediate to intermediate levels with kids, teens or adults. So you just need to choose what will best suit your group.
Religion and Tolerance Lesson - Understand your neighbours Faith

Religion and Tolerance Lesson - Understand your neighbours Faith

Tolerance and religion can be a tricky topic to teach our students but it is crucial. It is sometimes difficult for students to embrace differences and to be tolerant. We live in a world full of prejudice, intolerance and ignorance and it is our role as teachers to teach our students how to respect each other regardless of their social-economic backgrounds or religions. I have created this resource for every teacher that may be confronted to religious misunderstanding in his/her class and also for those who simply want to underline the key principle of the 5 major religions: Respect It could also be used in assembly to raise awareness about religions. Here’s what you will get with this resource: a 15-page booklet for students to keep tracks of their leaning and a 33-slide PPT to create more interactivity. Each step of the lesson is explained at the bottom of the slides and activities are corrected to save you time. 1. a brainstorming in pairs with questions 2. a truth/myths activity 3. a grid to complete in pairs/groups about different religions 4. a map about religions/figures in the world 5. a matching up with symbols/religions 6. an explanation about all main 5 religions in the world 7. a quiz done in the format of blockbusters in teams 8.a reading about the House of One in Berlin 9. questions 10. a game with post-it notes 11. a debate 12. a challenge 13. a review of objectives. Enjoy.